One of the very funny thing in my Ondo stay is how I am still struggling to believe that I reside here, in this rural settlement. Many times it pricks my heart, I wonder how I may be able to change it.

Today, I ate one kind of food that I have never eaten before, (laughs). Normally, I’m not a huge fan of rice, but then, rice was made by my friend, Corper Zikiratu (I call her Suzuki), and while I earnestly expected a hot stew, hot soup was poured on my rice (cries).

One funny thing about here is that, you never get to waste food. Its like there is an animal in need of your food. There are fowls, goats, dogs, pigs, even sheep too.

The amount of pigs I’ve seen in a matter of days, I haven’t seen them all my life. I’ve seen pigs to the point I now know that pigs sort of catwalk.

I’ve long forgotten about ice creams and gelato. Is this sad or good? I can’t even imagine how ice cream or warm meat pie or meat bread tastes like.

The only tourist attraction so far, has been my mountain climbing experience and Oh, the party where I was the compere. We were chased down from the mountain by a priestess though.

I did actually visit a restaurant though; here, unlike in my city ā€” Port Harcourt, you don’t pay for soup. You only pay for fufu, and meat.

Did I mention how the females ‘like’ corpers and how scared you have to be as a male corper? I promise to make this a regular from today henceforth.

Meanwhile, schools are to resume, and I may be a teacher in a boarding secondary school. I sha don’t want to see any miss koi koi.


  1. Have you tried out their pounded yam yet? If not please do and don’t forget to also try out the western amala, gbegiri and ewedu soup, your journey in the west won’t be complete without trying out thosešŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…

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